SIZED is partnering with the Paris-based NFT platform, CONCEPT, on a limited release of 10 works featured within VESSELS. Launching this month, CONCEPT is a curated marketplace to seamlessly buy and sell physical or digital NFT-powered artworks. The participating artists include Emmanuel Olunkwa, Vanessa Beecroft, RA Workshop - Rich Aybar, Lukas Stoever, Rio Estudio, Illya Goldman Gubin, Marc Leschalier, Grace Prince, Klaus Jürgen Schmidt and Tino Seibert.

GRP 210

Grace Prince


TIS 089

Tino Seubert


LUO 636

Lukas Stöver


IGG 022

Illya Goldman Gubin


VBE 883

Vanessa Beecroft


KJS 388

Klaus Jürgen Schmidt


MLE 477

Marc Leschelier


EOL 746

Emmanuel Olunkwa


EOL 747

Emmanuel Olunkwa


RAW 606

Rich Aybar


RIE 333

RIO Estudio


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